Are you looking for a way to create a podcast RSS feed? Check out our blog post here on how to create a RSS feed for your podcast.
If you are wanting to learn how to create an RSS feed for your website or blog, read on!
You work hard to build your audience for your website or blog. And when the ideal reader comes along — someone who fits all markers of your target audience — you don’t want to lose them.
The problem is that on a daily basis, we’re all experiencing information overload and it’s easy to forget about a publisher or website that has great content you enjoyed.
For example, a readers may love the content you publish, but forget where they found it almost immediately. And that means you’ve potentially lost a new subscriber, follower or fan.
Having an RSS feed can solve this problem.
RSS stands for really simple syndication, and it refers to a script you place on your website that your readers can subscribe to.
Once they’ve subscribed, they’ll be notified whenever you post new content – it’s that simple.

What Are the Benefits of Having an RSS Feed on Your Website?
Yes! Typically, you’ll see an RSS icon in the footer of a website which contains a link to the website’s RSS feed.
Making your RSS feed visible and accessible on your website will make it easier for readers to stay up-to-date on your latest content – and that’s a good thing when you’re wanting to increase traffic to your website.
When your readers add your website to their RSS feed reader, they’ll have an easy way to see what’s new — your latest post headlines will be right in their reader!

How to Create (or Find) an RSS Feed
So how do you get an RSS feed and reap these awesome benefits which include increased traffic, return readers, and increased visibility?
If you are using WordPress simply add /feed/ to the end of your website’s domain name. Example:
Another way involves knowing quite a bit of code. RSS feeds are created using XML code. In the first node, you declare the channel and title of the feed, links back to the website, a description of the feed, and its language. You can also include an image (like a logo) within the XML code. This part of the code remains static.
To ensure your updates from your website are added to your feed, you’ll need to create a new node. Within that node, you’ll add a new item to the top of the list each time you update, including the title of the item, the publish date, a link to the item’s webpage, and a CDATA description.
The History of the RSS Feed
In this video, our resident evangelist Joe Casabona shares a little bit of the history of the RSS feed, and the podcast RSS feed:
Related RSS Resources
- How to connect your podcast’s RSS feed to YouTube.
- Add your podcast RSS feed to Apple Podcasts.
- Add your podcast RSS feed to Spotify.
- Add your podcast RSS feed to Stitcher.
- Submit your podcast to TuneIn.
- Submit your podcast to iHeartRadio.
- Submit your podcast to Pandora.
- Submit your podcast to Samsung Podcasts.
- How to start a podcast.
- What Is a Podcast RSS Feed and How Do You Get One?