How to Start and Grow a Podcast
Learn everything you need to start, track, grow and monetize a podcast.
Free vs Paid Podcast Hosting – Why Would Anyone Ever Pay?
Free vs paid podcast hosting – with so many free options available, you may wonder why anyone would pay. While we’ve covered this topic before and laid out reasons why free hosting isn’t the best option for everyone, we understand why many people still ask why they should pay. In this post, you’ll learn about…
How to Submit Your RSS Feed to Apple Podcasts
Learn why you need an RSS feed for your podcast, how to create a podcast RSS feed, and how to submit your feed to iTunes here
Who Is the Best Podcast Host for Podcast Networks?
There’s a saying that podcasting is like getting a tattoo – you do one and think it will be your only one, but deep down, you know that’s not true. Once you catch the podcasting bug, new ideas start flowing, and suddenly, launching multiple shows seems like an exciting opportunity. Podcasting is a powerful platform…
How to Recommend Other Podcasts Using Podroll
🚨 New Feature Alert! Do you host other podcasts or have favorites you’d love to recommend? With Podroll, creators can now showcase up to six other podcasts directly from their Dashboard! It’s a great way to support and network with fellow podcasters. The shows you select will be prominently displayed on your public…
How to Rank Your Podcast on Apple Podcasts Charts
Achieving a place high up on the coveted Apple Podcasts Charts is something every aspiring podcaster wants. Ranking on Apple Podcasts Charts doesn’t need to feel impossible – Apple’s ranking factors are based on real, measurable metrics. Let’s dive into what those metrics are and review best practices to boost your own rankings. What Are…
Thinking of Starting a Podcast? Here Are 7 Things You Need to Know
You’ve got topics, themes, and ideas. Now let’s get down to the details of what you need to know before you start your podcast.
How to Optimize Your Podcast for SEO
If you want people to listen to your podcast, they have to be able to find you. Here are nine SEO tips to help you rise through the ranks of search.
How to Record and Edit a Podcast Episode
Podcasts are an incredibly popular way for people to access your great content. If you’re starting a podcast, learn how to record and edit it podcast here.
How to Grow Your Podcast’s Listener Base
If you’re looking to grow your podcast audience, it may be time to start hiring help. The two ideas may not seem related, but in fact, they are. When you reach a certain plateau in your audience growth, you will quickly discover that you may not be able to keep up with all the demands…
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