Ep.124 - The Critic "Eyes On The Prize" S1E6
It's a late one tonight, Sunday on top of that and with nothing else to help me fall asleep it's time to call in the big guns. This show is perfect for anyone looking for an all natural sleep enhancer, having a hard time with your day in general, then watch a little bit of The Critic and reset your mind. Welcome to the Toon Along! Join me as I watch, play and review Cartoons, Movies, Video Games and TV Shows from the 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s as well as today, all while adding my personal perspective and opinions on the subject, so hop on as we take a ride back to the past for some deep memory driven entertainment on Toon Along! You’re watching: The Critic "Eyes On The Prize" S1E6 (1994) Check the Podcast and channel out on Social Media for more updates and info!! -WEBSITE- https://www.toonalong.com -YOUTUBE- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsBRFFhpaINiVx9q0nBix4A -TWITTER- https://twitter.com/ToonAlong -REDDIT- https://www.reddit.com/user/ToonAlong -FACEBOOK- https://facebook.com/toonalong -i TUNES- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/toon-along/id1486506690 -SPOTIFY- https://open.spotify.com/show/1et6lZL2uoKGuX86vPbbYn -TWITCH- https://www.twitch.tv/toonalong -SOUNDCLOUD- https://soundcloud.com/user-673928597