Discovering Gratitude and Healing With Portia Booker

The Teaching Journeys Podcast by Dave Roberts

Episode notes

In this episode of The Teaching Journeys Podcast, Dave Roberts has a far reaching discussion with Portia Booker( also known as Portia the Producer) about her transformative journey through grief, showcasing the power of gratitude and redefining societal perceptions. Portia's experiences highlight finding purpose in pain, coping mechanisms, and the importance of aligning grief with personal growth. She talks about embracing gratitude, cherishing moments, and navigating losses, urging individuals to find strength in vulnerability and connection.

Portia's Bio and Contact Information:

Portia Booker, often hailed as Portia the Producer, is a celebrated TV host, visionary producer, and a resolute grief awareness advocate.

After enduring the profound loss of both parents within a heart wrenching nine month spam, Port ... 

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the teaching journeys podcastgrief and lossPortia BookerPortia The ProducerThe Grief Grantorgrief and gratitudesigns from our loved onesdeath of parents