
by Rev Janglebones, Kurt Huggins, & Robert Peter

Chats about art, spirituality, and magic hosted by Kurt Huggins, Robert Peter, and Rev Janglebones.

Podcast episodes

  • Reclaim the World of Dreams w Amaya Rourke

    Reclaim the World of Dreams w Amaya Rourke

    I think of Amaya Rourke as one of the most honest people in the world of alternative spirituality. Her latest work follows this same theme, born out of the pure need to navigate the neverending onslaught of information we are all bombarded with and help others cultivate their intuition in an age of prolific doubt, constant adrenal stimulation, endless contrary opinions, and the overarching and very much intentional hijacking of our ability to imagine, both as individuals and collectively. We discuss Harriet Tubman’s unshakable trust in her visions which had life or death consequences in the underground railroad, our total dependence on the health of our dreaming to enable us to imagine better solutions, the powers of trust and conversely doubt, the dangers of outsourcing information in your practice, and much more. We typically don’t make a point to promote anything at all on this show, but this current dare I say altruistic work is clearly much needed and I highly encourage everyone to read Amaya’s recent substack posts and, if you’re vibing, consider signing up for the course. The last day for enrollment is March 19th so don’t sleep on this if it rings bells for you. Amaya's New Course Offering & More Information Amaya's Substack And as always, Rev Makes Amulets Kurt Makes Art We accept donations for this podcast to keep it going And we love you even if you don't donate, you just might not get as many shows <3 Dr. Robert Svoboda on Fire Art: René Magritte. The Double Secret, 1927

  • Mulholland Drive w Mat Dragonstone


    Mulholland Drive w Mat Dragonstone


    Astrologer and fellow talisman maker Mat Dragonstone joins us to chat about this classic demented love story in the city of angels. We discuss the recently departed David Lynch and the ashes of L.A., as well as the timing of the two through an astrologer's eyes. We get into the state of astrology in general, astrological ontologies, the balance between rigid structure and feeling the vibe, film as a vehicle for transcendental meditation. We talk shop about talisman creation and how divination tools, including astro charts, act as vessels for the intuition. Such a pleasure. You can find all of Mat's work and available offerings below, along with a link to Rev's new talismanic oil. Mat's website where you can book a reading session, browse handcrafted astro talismans, and read more about Mat's practice. Mat's substack which Rev highly recommends you check out. Mat's Instagram Mat's Podcast Rev's new Crown of Triumph oil

  • Solstice Revival w Robert Peter


    Solstice Revival w Robert Peter


    We are resurrected! Cunning man and friend Robert Peter christens a new chapter in the Soapbox saga with a chat including tips for beginners and intermediates, the esoteric St. Benedict, winter solstice and the rebirth of the light, heretical Catholicism, hazards on the road to progression, the nuances of operational syncretism, and much more. Robert has decided to join us as a regular co-host on episodes pertaining specifically to magic and practice, while Kurt and Rev will continue to bring you esoteric conversations about art and film. Now is a good time to Soapbox. Here's an old post by the Rev on St, Benedict. Painting of a candle by Ktagogoart

  • Room 237 w Chad Andro + Facilitating Meaning


    Room 237 w Chad Andro + Facilitating Meaning


    In our most meta episode to date, Chad Andro from the fantastic podcast Radical Elphame joins us to talk about people talking about a movie! The impossibly numerous ways people have discovered meaning within Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, as seen through the eyes of the magician, have brought Chad to a more holistic understanding of this phenomenon which we were delighted to explore together. This was such a fun conversation and Chad is a joy. If you haven't already, check out Radical Elphame! And don't forget to DONATE if you appreciate the show. (not you Mason, you good <3)

  • Possession w Matt Cosper + "What The F*ck Did I Just Watch?"


    Possession w Matt Cosper + "What The F*ck Did I Just Watch?"


    Cunning and handsome devil, writer, actor, director, and magic user Matt Cosper returns to discuss a total mind melt of a film. We talk about the movie and it's many wondrous tangible and esoteric properties (nearly) the entire time. It's a banger. Please Donate <3