Chapter 131- “…armed, arrayed in red and white.” (1376-1380) (Jubilee Part 2)

The Story of London by Saul

Episode notes

In the last episode we saw how the ‘Stapler’ faction of London’s Aldermen had betrayed the ‘Radicals’ and gained the concessions they wanted from Parliament, but refused to support the Radicals demand for the return of London’s traditional rights. And this leads to a political backlash.

Welcome to an episode that drags us into the heart of explosive politics, as political control swung from one faction to another, as the very way the city picked its leaders was changed drastically, and the intrigue and politics was played out over a backdrop of riots, insults, executions, and salacious comments about a Prince’s heritage. Welcome to the most intense internal civil war the city had seen since the Magna Carta, a place where the city itself was said to be ‘armed, arrayed in red and white’.
