Embracing Sensitivities | Highly Sensitive Person ft Sheryl Green

Self-Help Junkie by Erika Ng

Episode notes
Are you overwhelmed by loud noises or bright lights? Highly empathetic? Been told you are ‘too sensitive’?You may be a HSP, a Highly Sensitive Person as described by Dr. Elaine Aron. Sheryl Green is on to share how she and her partner navigates life now that they better understand this personality trait. Join us for a reflective episode to understand yourself, your partners or a friend a little better. ----------Key points discussed in this episode:
  • What it’s like to be Highly Sensitive
  • How to be more aware with your partner
  • Catharsis from animal rescue and writing
----------Guest - Sheryl Green www.YouHadMeAtNo.com Highly Sensitive Person QuizSensitive - The Untold S ... 
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