The Scary vibes podcast

by Michael Cummings

Bringing the horror community to podcasts

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • The Scary Vibes Podcast - St. Patty Hangover


    The Scary Vibes Podcast - St. Patty Hangover


    Hey Scary Viberz Michael and Abraham talk about some current paranormal events and some past traumas. Before getting into this weeks, topic of Irish inspired horror, movie choices and Irish folklore.

  • The Scary Vibes Podcast - Bent Time


    The Scary Vibes Podcast - Bent Time


    Hey Viberz, In this episode, we talk about frightening unexplainable moments of time loss in our memories . Later in the episode, nostalgia grabs a hold of us as we explore ideas of childhood favorites turned into horror movies. so buckle up and come on this adventure and make sure to leave a comment.

  • The Scary Vibes Podcast- Guilty Pleasures


    The Scary Vibes Podcast- Guilty Pleasures


    Hey Viberz In this weeks episode Mike and Abe discuss their guilty pleasures when it comes to non horror movies and food. Then they discuss their guilty pleasure horror movies and give their reviews of THE MONKEY.

  • The Scary Vibes Podcast - Possession


    The Scary Vibes Podcast - Possession


    Hey Viberz, In this episode, we begin with Bigg telling one of his experiences with a possible possession. Mike and Bigg give their picks for their favorite possession movies. The conjuring and Nefarious. A truth is inadvertently revealed.

  • The Scary Vibes Podcast - Road Trips


    The Scary Vibes Podcast - Road Trips


    This week, Michael and Abraham go over horror movies that include road trips The Texas chainsaw massacre 1974 When they come knocking 2019 Abraham goes into the creepy lore of mysterious B.E.K's ( The Black Eyes Kids).