CVBZ (CUBS), Pop-Electronic Music Star Has 13 Minute NDE

Round Trip Death Podcast by Near Death Experiences

Episode notes

Three years ago, Shawn Jacobs (CVBZ) had a 13 minute near death experience that was so profound, he's now the new Shawn 2.0.

During his NDE, Shawn started off in a dark tunnel, but instead of going to the light, the light came to him. He felt paranoia and fear, then the pure, loving grip of God. He experienced a life review in which he felt everything that he had ever done from another's point of view.

Then he went to a warm, brilliant orange place. The place was God, he was God. There was beauty, ecstacy, bliss, and nothing but Pure Love. He learned that the purpose of all creation is to love.

In this deeply moving episode we dig deep into the emotions and realities of near death experiences and how they can affect our lives moving forward.

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