Round Trip Death Podcast

by Near Death Experiences

Near Death Experiences - NDE's.

Find answers to mankind's biggest question, "What Happens After We Die?"

Round Trip Death podcast features discussions with people who have actually died, visited the other side, and returned to talk about it. What did they see? What did they experience and learn? How can these insights affect your life moving forward?

NDE - Near Death Experiences.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 3

  • She Sent Texts to Her BFF During Her NDEs

    She Sent Texts to Her BFF During Her NDEs

    What?! That title sounds crazy, but that is actually one of the things that happened during Terry's multiple NDEs. While she was in the spirit world she was able to communicate via text messages! Terry and Rae Jean are best friends and Rae Jean was a huge support to Terry through her years of cancer treatment, which included surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments. During one of her near death experiences, Terry could see Rae Jean and desperately wanted to ease her worry and fears so she asked her angel guide to help her deliver a message. That's how it all started. This episode is a story of friendship, struggle, hope, pain and triumph. It's beautiful and it's astounding. Please FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast. Video versions of our interviews are now available at Their Book - "Dancing In The Sky" Donate to this podcast @

  • CVBZ (CUBS), Pop-Electronic Music Star Has 13 Minute NDE

    CVBZ (CUBS), Pop-Electronic Music Star Has 13 Minute NDE

    Three years ago, Shawn Jacobs (CVBZ) had a 13 minute near death experience that was so profound, he's now the new Shawn 2.0. During his NDE, Shawn started off in a dark tunnel, but instead of going to the light, the light came to him. He felt paranoia and fear, then the pure, loving grip of God. He experienced a life review in which he felt everything that he had ever done from another's point of view. Then he went to a warm, brilliant orange place. The place was God, he was God. There was beauty, ecstacy, bliss, and nothing but Pure Love. He learned that the purpose of all creation is to love. In this deeply moving episode we dig deep into the emotions and realities of near death experiences and how they can affect our lives moving forward. Please FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast. Video versions of our interviews are now available at Donate to this podcast @

  • 17 Year Old Willow's NDE Following Horrific Auto Accident

    17 Year Old Willow's NDE Following Horrific Auto Accident

    Willow Caelan was just 17 years old when she was involved in a horrible auto accident. She was sitting at a stop sign when a large pickup truck, traveling 70 mph, rear-ended her. Her small car was thrown 50 yards through the air and came to rest in a ditch. When she woke up she was a few yards from the car, lying on the ground. Witnesses did not even check for survivors because they knew there would be none. During the short time that Caelan's spirit was outside her body she felt like she had no physical form. She experienced no worries, no stress, just warm comfort and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. It seemed like she was gone for forever, yet time did not exist, just the here and now. In Caelan's near death experience (NDE), she felt like everything was connected, but individual at the same time. In this episode you will hear all the details of her NDE and find out how she changed, and the world changed for her. Please FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast. Video versions of our interviews are now available at Donate to this podcast @

  • Matt Has 4 NDE's As A Quadriplegic

    Matt Has 4 NDE's As A Quadriplegic

    Matt Hendrick became a quadriplegic as a result of a car accident over 30 years ago. During his hospital treatment he had his first near death experience. This was a short, but classic tunnel of white light NDE. He saw and conversed with three beings, felt very comfortable and had no fear. His second near death experience happened a few years later while in the hospital with a collapsed lung. His most recent NDE was the result of a kinked catheter, again during a hospital stay. In this experience, he felt people that he knew. He felt complete comfort, like floating in the ocean in Hawaii with perfect temperatures and relaxation. He saw black hawk-like creatures with windmill-type wings. He walked through a grassy field. He felt like he was home, like he was back. He was no longer in a wheelchair. In this episode, Matt also explains the differences between dreams and NDEs. Please FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE to this podcast. Video versions of our interviews are now available at Donate to this podcast @

  • Dr. Efrat Shokef - Her NDE & Promises to Her Children Before Birth

    Dr. Efrat Shokef - Her NDE & Promises to Her Children Before Birth

    Dr. Efrat Shokef is an organizational social psychologist, mother of three, and near death experience survivor. Efrat lives in Israel where she sustained serious injuries in a horrific traffic accident 13 years ago. During her NDE, she met loved ones, embraced them, and had telepathic communication. She heard beautiful music, saw a special brightness and not only felt love, but felt like she was love. She had a guide that appeared to be her grandfather. She describes much of her NDE as luminous, loving, stillness, soft nourishing, beautifully bright clouds, and with wonderful beings. Most profound to her was the three promises she made to her children before she and they were born. This episode and more are also available in video on our YouTube channel ____________________ Please share this episode with a friend! Donate to this podcast @