17 Year Old Willow's NDE Following Horrific Auto Accident

Round Trip Death Podcast by Near Death Experiences

Episode notes

Willow Caelan was just 17 years old when she was involved in a horrible auto accident. She was sitting at a stop sign when a large pickup truck, traveling 70 mph, rear-ended her.

Her small car was thrown 50 yards through the air and came to rest in a ditch. When she woke up she was a few yards from the car, lying on the ground. Witnesses did not even check for survivors because they knew there would be none.

During the short time that Caelan's spirit was outside her body she felt like she had no physical form. She experienced no worries, no stress, just warm comfort and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. It seemed like she was gone for forever, yet time did not exist, just the here and now.

In Caelan's near death experience (NDE), she felt like everything was connected, but individual at the same time. In t ... 

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