Mind Over Matter: The Art of Conscious Reality Shifting

Journey to Wellness & Beyond by Arjun & Juhi Chhabra

Episode notes

Why do we often struggle to find happiness and abundance despite our best efforts? Could it be that 80% of our lives are on autopilot, driven by subconscious programs that aren’t even ours?

In this eye-opening episode, we explore the powerful role of the subconscious mind and how deeply embedded negative beliefs can keep us stuck in cycles of limitation. Discover how your brain’s different states—from delta to gamma, and even beyond—shape your reality and affect your ability to manifest the life you desire.

Join us as we delve into the science behind brainwave states, the concept of heart-brain coherence, and how aligning your energy with the unified field can accelerate your manifestations. Learn how to access higher dimensions of consciousness, reprogram your subconscious, and step into your true potential.

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wellnessmotivationquantumenergybiology of beliefbruce liptoncosmic beingvibrationssolutionsmindquantum physicspast lifedepressionfearmeditationhypnosispurposeclaritydimensionpast life regressionbeta brain wavesalpha brain wavetheta brain waveheartReality ShiftingQuantum JumpMind Expansion