Amazon, Affiliates, and Advertisers: The Next Big Move with Owen Guetschow

Profitable Performance Marketing by JEBCommerce

Episode notes

In this episode, host Jake Fuller chats with Owen Guetschow from Levanta about an exciting shift in affiliate marketing opportunities on Amazon. Traditionally, affiliate marketers have not had a direct way to link brand promotions to Amazon seller pages, but this is rapidly changing.

Jake and Owen – who oversees Agency Partnerships at Levanta – cover how brands can now leverage networks like Levanta to drive affiliate traffic directly to Amazon, the massive conversion potential and challenges like balancing traditional D2C and Amazon-linked programs, and the recent double-dipping update.

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affiliate marketingaffiliatemarketingpartner marketingpartnershipsaffiliate recruitmentaffiliate relationshipstechnologyOwen GuetschowLevantaAmazon