Podcast episodes
Season 1
Pop Pixel PH Podcast Episode 135 - The 299 Engagement Ring
Oooohhhh boy! Another day another controversial topic in the Philippines, Does the value of the engagement ring equate to the value of your relationship? Join Kor, Soy, and Vii as we discuss in this episode of Pop Pixel. If you like our content you can visit are other pages and socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/PopPixelPH YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1vbvB-lEkUaxfb9rUUmxw Discord: https://discord.gg/p3R59B3bfk You can support us through our patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/poppixelph for comments, and collaborations send us an email: poppixelph@gmail.com
Pop Pixel PH Podcast Episode 134 - Jo Koy Fiasco
Another year another Fiasco! Now sprinkled with Pinoy Pride or maybe the ever famous Crab Mentality? Join Kor, Soy, and Vii as we discuss in this episode of Pop Pixel. If you like our content you can visit are other pages and socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/PopPixelPH YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1vbvB-lEkUaxfb9rUUmxw Discord: https://discord.gg/p3R59B3bfk You can support us through our patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/poppixelph for comments, and collaborations send us an email: poppixelph@gmail.com
Pop Pixel PH Podcast Episode 133 - 2023 Gaming Round up
We've missed you! What better way to start the Year with a Round up of how the gaming industry fared last year! Join Kor, and Vii as we discuss in this come back episode of Pop Pixel. If you like our content you can visit are other pages and socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/PopPixelPH YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1vbvB-lEkUaxfb9rUUmxw Discord: https://discord.gg/p3R59B3bfk You can support us through our patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/poppixelph for comments, and collaborations send us an email: poppixelph@gmail.com
Pop Pixel PH Podcast Episode 132 - Diablo 4 and the curious case of AAA studio advertising
Diablo 4 has been out for a couple of weeks now and it was not safe from mixed reactions and reviews. How has it fared and why was it in the middle of an issue regarding advertising? Join Kor, and Vii as we discuss in this episode of Pop Pixel. If you like our content you can visit are other pages and socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/PopPixelPH YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1vbvB-lEkUaxfb9rUUmxw Discord: https://discord.gg/p3R59B3bfk You can support us through our patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/poppixelph for comments, and collaborations send us an email: poppixelph@gmail.com
Pop Pixel PH Podcast Episode 131 - Oceangate
5 passengers, one submersible and an insurmountable odds against them. Join Kor, Soy, and Vii as we discuss in this episode of Pop Pixel.If you like our content you can visit are other pages and socials:Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/PopPixelPHYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1vbvB-lEkUaxfb9rUUmxwDiscord: https://discord.gg/p3R59B3bfkYou can support us through our patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/poppixelphfor comments, and collaborations send us an email: poppixelph@gmail.com