How to Walk by Faith w/ Liz Wright 

Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

Be transformed in the core of your being by the Word of God as Liz teaches on faith being the substance of things hoped for. Become really aware internally of when faith becomes substance in you. The moment you begin to feel faith bubbling up inside of you, what you’re believing for becomes substance, it begins to materialize. Hold that awareness with gratitude, thank Him for the thing you hope for. You’re entering into a co-creating moment with Jesus, like Hebrews 4 teaches us, “…faith activates the promise and we experience the realm of confident rest.” You’re receiving from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. Jesus wants to be all sufficient for you, your source, your provider! Lean into Him in rest and surrender, what you’ve believed for is about to become real in your life.

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