Sympathy Kiss Play-Through, Otome Chit-Chat, and Catch-Up 💘 Latte + Foam Pod #14
This episode Kayla & Yana join each other in person to catch up, chat, and check out Sympathy Kiss. Watch on Youtube: 💘 Support us on Ko-Fi: 🎮 About Sympathy Kiss (Otomate; Idea Factory) About a year has passed since you started your new job as a designer at Estario, a mobile app company. Just as you were finally getting used to your job and the routines that came along with it... You were suddenly asked to switch departments and join the product team for a failing app that's slated to be discontinued. Switching into this new role, you find yourself surrounded by some of the most highly qualified (and highly eccentric) men Estario employs. To add to this new work challenge, you even have to pair up with one of them! You and your idiosyncratic partner will be working together to revamp the app and get it back on track. This is all so new to you, and things are moving so fast... Will you be able to handle it? And who knows, maybe by the end of the project, you'll find yourself with more than you could've ever imagined... 🩷 Check out our otome game "My Love for you is Evermore"~ 🩷 About Evermore You've been working your dream job on Evermore Consulting's PR Team, but you never seem to land the big accounts. Determined to land something big, you head into this morning's meeting with a plan - An old friend of yours is now an idol and is looking for a new PR team. You come to the table with an in, but are surprised to be presented with several opportunities to shine. What path will you choose? You could work the idol account solo, but your work rival has contacts that could make him an asset on this idol account with you... Or you can take a completely different route. There's a huge hotel account up for grabs, where you could work alongside a department executive. And, your direct boss, the director of your department, is looking for a right-hand in the celebrity events space. All routes lead to an unexpected story that's completely yours. As you enter your name, you enter your story! All conversation and images are oriented towards YOU, so you can fully immerse. And you'll immerse even further when you receive texts and hear your love interest's handsome voice on video call segments throughout the story. Free to download & sample. Full stories are fairly priced and can be read again and again + Support Indie Female Game Makers! #otome #gaming #girl #girlgamer #anime #letsplay