Sympathy Kiss Play-Through, Otome Chit-Chat, and Catch-Up 💘 Latte + Foam Pod #14

Latte & Foam by LovelyInc LLC

Episode notes

This episode Kayla & Yana join each other in person to catch up, chat, and check out Sympathy Kiss. Watch on Youtube:

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🎼 About Sympathy Kiss (Otomate; Idea Factory) About a year has passed since you started your new job as a designer at Estario, a mobile app company. Just as you were finally getting used to your job and the routines that came along with it...​ You were suddenly asked to switch departments and join the product team for a failing app that's slated to be discontinued. Switching into this new r ... 

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otomeotome gamesidea factoryotome reviewgirl gamesgaminganimeSympathy Kiss