God is Born: The Royal One. December 1, 2024

Kuna United Methodist Church Sermons by Kuna United Methodist Church

Episode notes

Advent, the season of preparing for the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ is underway. This time of waiting for the arrival of our Savior includes retelling the words of the prophets. These messengers who spoke on God's behalf continually told hard truths to the people of Israel as they repeated the cycle of sinfulness, conequences, and redemption.

Although the prophets regularly predicted consequences, they also shared a message of hope. They proclaimed God would send an annointed one, the Messiah, to save humanity.

This week, guest preacher Patrick Meisan explains the specialness of giving Jesus the title of Messiah. Simply put, Jesus is a different kind of king.

According to the Prophet Micah, Israel's rulers would come from Bethlehem, a small clan of Judah. Jesus the Messiah didn't have the resume of a typical monarch. Jesus wa ... 

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