#37 - Top 10 Isolation Exercises

Heroes Journey PhysioFitness by Dr. Cameron Hoge & Anibal Rios

Episode notes

In this episode, we're diving into isolation exercises and what sets them apart from compound lifts. Learn how these exercises can contribute to shaping a balanced physique, aiding major lifts, and enhancing your mind-to-muscle connection.We also reveal our top ten isolation exercises and discuss why each one merits a spot on our list. This episode will enhance your understanding of isolation exercises and help elevate your training routine. Tune in now to discover the power of isolation exercises!

Our top ten recommendations:

  1. Incline Dumbbell Curl
  2. Donkey Calf Raise
  3. Lateral Raise
  4. Face Pulls
  5. Lying Triceps Extension
  6. Cable Chest Fly
  7. Sissy Squats
  8. Nordic Hamstring Curl
  9. Hip Thrusters
  10. Ab Wheel
  11. Bonus: Barbell Curl

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