(228) “Unconditional Surrender to God”

Global Outpouring by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot

What does it mean to truly surrender to God unconditionally? Is it a one-and-done decision, or is there more to it? Sharon and Philip discuss personal stories of major moments of surrender in their own lives and share many scriptures to help you get a better picture of what surrendering to God really means and why it’s so important for your destiny in Him. God has a plan for your life and you will need to have your own moments of unconditional surrender. It may not be easy, but He will give you the grace to do it as you learn to rest and trust in Him to do it His way. And His way as always better than ours!

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Overcoming FearTrust In GodSpiritual Growthpersonal testimonyUnconditional SurrenderGod’s PlanBiblical SurrenderSpiritual encouragementDaily SurrenderGrace Of GodSpiritual DisciplineDivine Guidance