Episode notes
The Wand, Sword, Cup and Pentacle, taking This week, we're back to CMN CLASSIC! Kennedy and Cohost take on a "scientific" interpretation of the mysterious SATOR square from where all good scientific theories are proven; Tiktok. Then, onto the news; Trump "saves" Tiktok, tries to get rid of immigrants, Biden pardons Marcus Garvey(ascended master), the Theosophical Society burning to the ground with LA and Land mines showing up in IKEA. After that, we're onto the main attraction, a brief look at the big four Magickal Weapons,about the history, Tarot, and the development of them from the Golden Dawn and Crowley through Peter Carroll and Grant Morrison. So join us, before we're banned too!
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chaos magickmagicwitchcraftnewschaos magick newsmagickwitchtokoccultsorcererypeter carrollpaganpop magicoccult podcasttrumpcensorshipbobby hemmittkennedywoo woochaosthelemagrant morrisongrimoirechaos magiccultrobert anton wilsonotoordo templi orientisachadaleister Crowleyconspiracyparanormalmagic swordcomedyhebrewgoetiaservitorsMarcus garveyWandDiskPentacleCupSwordMagical weaponsElemental weaponsElemental toolsMagic weaponsMagick toolsGolden dawnEliphas levi