Ep.25: I would love to get sued

Chaos Magick News by Chaos Magick News

Episode notes

This week on the pod Airhorn we have more Airhorn actual occult news!*Airhorn Airhorn* But first, Kennedy recounts a weird day he had of having to explain himself to non-spooky people, and we muse on what "being in the broom closet" is even about. Then in the news, we talk about the Republican non-debate, Kyle Rittenhouse getting sued, Burning Man being a disaster, more Niger Coup news and Disney trying to squeeze the cable companies for lunch money. Finally, we talk the real occult news, notable occultist Georgia Van Raatle recanting her allegations of sexual assault against Sef Salem from 5 years ago and the horrifying twists and turns of envy, manipulation and lies that rocked the occult community. And we talk about who might not enjoy us covering this. So join us you get hit with the airhorn again!

Loki's Gazette, This ... 

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