Brain Stream Ep. 6: Brainamics

Brain Stream - The Brain Computer Interfacing Podcast by The BCI Guy

Episode notes

This week on the Brain Stream we spoke to Vlad Samoilov & Philipp Zent from Brainamics. Brainamics is a neurotech startup from the Technical University of Munich. They make a unique technology framework that enables the extraction of emotions directly from the human brain. To do that, Brainamics uses Electroencephalograms (EEG) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms The commercial starting point was the gaming industry, where game developers use the insights into the psychology and user experience of their gamers to optimize their gameplay.

The vision of Brainamics however reaches way beyond that. With the existing emotion extraction technology, many more digital entertainment use cases can be exploited and thanks to the multimodal biometric data that is collected along the way, Brainamics will be able to develop further groundbreaking t ... 

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bci guysbrainbrain sciencebrain implantbrainamics eeg