Fastlander Fury by TS Joyce

Bonded Books Podcast by Rachel & Cara

Episode notes

Gunner Walker is on the run.

He’s been trying desperately to escape the pull of Damon’s Mountains, but his out-of-control inner grizzly bear has tethered himself to the territory. His reputation is ruined, and he can’t blame his previous Crew for hating him—not after what he’s done. Only two things can quiet his mind, and they are both destructive—fighting, and riding his motorcycle at death-defying speeds. When he stumbles upon what is shaping up to be an abduction, he steps in to defend a stranger, but don’t get it twisted. He doesn’t like her. He just wants a fight with the man hunting her. Hallie Carter’s beauty doesn’t matter. Nope. Not at all. Or her quirky sense of humor, or the way she talks to him like he isn’t a demon. He’ll just keep telling himself that, and ignoring that a third thing has appeared in his life that can quiet the ... 

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