New Technology Ends Male Chick Culling - NestFresh

Future of Foods Interviews - Alt Proteins, Cell Agriculture, an End to Factory Farming. by Alex Crisp

Episode notes

Future of Foods Interviews speaks to NestFresh, a trailblazer in humane farming and cutting-edge technology. Known for their commitment to animal welfare, NestFresh uses In Ovo sexing technology to eliminate the practice of culling male chicks—a game-changer for ethical farming practices.

Hear all about their comprehensive approach to sustainability, from cage-free operations to eco-friendly supply chain initiatives.

Alex Crisp talks to Vice President, Jasen Urena about how NestFresh is redefining the egg industry, proving that technology and compassion can go hand-in-hand to create a better future for animals, farmers, and consumers alike.

alex crispfuture of foods interviewschickseggsIn OVONestfresh