Satsang with Lars Ims | What Is The Goal of Sadhana & How Do We Reach There? | S3 Ep 21

A Curious Yogi with Bobbi Paidel by Bobbi Paidel

Episode notes

“Sadhana is to realize the embodied being and know the difference. This human incarnation is something we have, it’s not what we are. Avidya is mistaking what we have for what we are.”

Lars Ims is a meditator and author who has spent his life immersed in sadhana under the guidance of his Guru, Swami Shyam.

He is also a friend, so he is the perfect yogi to discuss the real meaning of Sadhana. It’s such a great joy to share in the Satsang space, where he delivers the true meaning of sadhana, the importance of “sattwifying” our lives so the light of the Self can shine through, and ultimately, how meditation is the way.

I love this conversation because it centers around freedom. Whether in the spiritual paths we explore, how we apply our critical thinking or how we move through the world with our dharmas - whate ... 

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