Note sull'episodio

Welcome to a brand new season and another episode of candid conversations, laughter and heartfelt moments!

Today, we're hitting the reset button and diving into a fresh perspective on identity. It's time to leave behind the distractions of Dave and Angelina drama from seasons one and two, and focus on what truly matters.

And don't forget to like our ⁠⁠IG page⁠⁠ IdentityTalkz

Cast Suman Hanif as Host / Jessica Leitch as Angelina the Angel / Adam Mercury-Brown as Dave the Devil

Producer Pageful Productions Limited

Music by Madirfan from Pixabay.mp3 - Track: Both-of-us-14037

Disclaimer: Strong language use ... 

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Parole chiave
identitywho are youtell me about yourselfpositivefeel goodimprovised comedymental healthhealingidentity crisisfunnychillimprovisedintrospectionmindfulnessselfawernessmotivationalpurpose