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The Open Revolution: How Two Entrepreneurs Are Democratizing Podcasting

Success Magazine 23 Settembre, 2024
In an era where big tech companies are tightening their grip on digital content, two entrepreneurs are championing a different vision. Ben Richardson and Alberto Betella—co-founders of podcast hosting company—are on a mission to democratize podcasting and innovate within the industry.
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Why does Texas watch so much TV? 12 Agosto, 2024
DALLAS (KDAF) — Texans apparently love to be entertained, according to a new study that determined how much the average American spends on various forms of entertainment.
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Top Influential Entrepreneurs of 2024: Innovating and Inspiring Change

USA Today 9 Agosto, 2024
Ben Richardson, Co-Founder and Managing Director of, is transforming the podcasting industry with his dedication to open ecosystems and innovative technology.
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Apple Podcasts gain new creator tools, including Subscription Analytics and Linkfire integration

TechCrunch 21 Agosto, 2023
Apple announced today several new updates to its podcast creator tools, including, most notably, the addition of Subscription Analytics within Apple Podcasts Connect — the dashboard where podcasters track how their listeners engage with their shows. In addition, Apple says it’s expanding its Delegated Delivery offering, which allows creators to publish their subscriber episodes from other hosting providers. And it’s integrating its podcast analytics into the marketing platform Linkfire for easy access.
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Ben Richardson,

Podcast Business Journal 12 Maggio, 2023
I’m one of the co-founders of in conjunction with Alberto Betella, who’s my business partner and co-founder, and also co-managing director of the company. We handle various roles, some that overlap between the two of us, and some that are strictly within our own expertise and purview.
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How Outsmarted Podcast Spammers

The Podcast Host 13 Dicembre, 2022
Few things are worse than spam disguised as real content.

Over the past few years, spam – including actual fake episodes – has become a real problem in our industry. In’s ongoing battle to combat podcast spam and thanks to the magic of natural language processing techniques, we have come out solidly in the lead.
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