Weightroom OvertimeExplícito

por Jovan Rojas

This podcast educates athletes, coaches and trainers on new exercise training methods, research, and science.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Is it worth buying training programs from online trainers?


    Is it worth buying training programs from online trainers?


    In this episode I go into depth on what to look for when buying online training programs from trainers. Athletes should always stick to strength and conditioning coaches as we specialize in athletic performance.

  • Austin Shick - Sierra Nevada Men's soccer coach


    Austin Shick - Sierra Nevada Men's soccer coach


    In this episode Austin talks about his own experience as a player, referee and mens soccer coach at the college level.

  • Are youth sports dying in the U.S?

    Are youth sports dying in the U.S?

    in this episode we talk about the change in youth sports and how young athletes are being developed now.

  • 6 Benefits of Yoga on Sport Performance


    6 Benefits of Yoga on Sport Performance


    In this episode we talk about yoga and how schools and athletes are starting to incorporate it into their annual training programs.

  • Ep.13- Eating disorders and sport

    Ep.13- Eating disorders and sport

    In this episode we discuss how eating disorders affect athletes and who may be more prone to it. We also talk about what can influence a young athlete.