Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Eugene McCarthy Returns

    Eugene McCarthy Returns

    Shane talks to Dr Eugene McCarthy once more, delving into his astonishing theory about the possible hybrid origin of humans (and not the recent discoveries about mixing of modern humans with neanderthals and their kin). Eugene has assembled a compelling body of evidence that our chimp like ancestors may have hybridised with the humble pig, accounting for a long list of unusual human traits that are lacking in our primate ancestors. You can read more detail about Eugene's theory here: https://www.macroevolution.net/human-origins.html You can find more of Shane’s work at: Zero Input Agriculture blog: https://zeroinputagriculture.substack.com Taming the Apocalypse ebook - https://www.amazon.com/Taming-Apocalypse-Shane-Simonsen-ebook/dp/B0D2XCLJ85/ Taming the Apocalypse audiobook - https://www.kobo.com/au/en/audiobook/taming-the-apocalypse-2 Our Vitreous Womb - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Vitreous-Womb-Book-1-4-ebook/dp/B0C7H9N1K3/

  • Gregg Muller

    Gregg Muller

    Shane talks to Gregg about his long journey through breeding a wide range of crops in his challenging Mediterranean climate in southern Australia. We also compare notes on the challenges of creating local crop breeding groups and discuss fresh approaches. Check out Gregg's incredible range of seeds for sale: https://www.usefulseeds.com Join Gregg's local crop breeding group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/18wjkbJUWh/ You find more of Shane’s work at: Zero Input Agriculture blog: https://zeroinputagriculture.substack.com Taming the Apocalypse ebook - https://www.amazon.com/Taming-Apocalypse-Shane-Simonsen-ebook/dp/B0D2XCLJ85/ Taming the Apocalypse audiobook - https://www.kobo.com/au/en/audiobook/taming-the-apocalypse-2 Our Vitreous Womb - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Vitreous-Womb-Book-1-4-ebook/dp/B0C7H9N1K3/

  • Fedor Steeman

    Fedor Steeman

    Shane talks to Fedor Steeman about the limits of evolving and engineering life itself. Check out more of Fedor's amazing videos on speculative biology at Phrenotopia- https://www.youtube.com/@Phrenotopia The origin of animal body plans - https://youtu.be/3Gql2iyY5Gw?si=lCEY3vtmibvfYaFG You can find more of Shane’s work at: Zero Input Agriculture blog: https://zeroinputagriculture.substack.com Taming the Apocalypse ebook - https://www.amazon.com/Taming-Apocalypse-Shane-Simonsen-ebook/dp/B0D2XCLJ85/ Taming the Apocalypse audiobook - https://www.kobo.com/au/en/audiobook/taming-the-apocalypse-2 Our Vitreous Womb - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Vitreous-Womb-Book-1-4-ebook/dp/B0C7H9N1K3/

  • Salvatore Ceccarelli

    Salvatore Ceccarelli

    Shane talks to Salvatore Ceccarelli about his incredible contribution to the preservation and reinvigoration of ancient landrace crop genetics in the Middle East and Europe, putting diverse mixes of ancient grains back into the hands of farmers and bakers throughout the region. You can read more about Salvatore's work at- https://salvatorececcarelli.wordpress.com (translation into English might be helpful using translate.google.com for selected passages). You can find more of Shane’s work at: Zero Input Agriculture blog: https://zeroinputagriculture.substack.com Taming the Apocalypse ebook - https://www.amazon.com/Taming-Apocalypse-Shane-Simonsen-ebook/dp/B0D2XCLJ85/ Taming the Apocalypse audiobook - https://www.kobo.com/au/en/audiobook/taming-the-apocalypse-2 Our Vitreous Womb - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Vitreous-Womb-Book-1-4-ebook/dp/B0C7H9N1K3/

  • Book Review- The One Straw Revolution

    Book Review- The One Straw Revolution

    Shane revisits an old substack post reviewing Fukuoka's "One Straw Revolution", comparing his experiences as an experimental farmer to those of one of the founders of this philosophy. You can find more of Shane’s work at: Zero Input Agriculture blog: https://zeroinputagriculture.substack.com Taming the Apocalypse ebook - https://www.amazon.com/Taming-Apocalypse-Shane-Simonsen-ebook/dp/B0D2XCLJ85/ Taming the Apocalypse audiobook - https://www.kobo.com/au/en/audiobook/taming-the-apocalypse-2 Our Vitreous Womb - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Vitreous-Womb-Book-1-4-ebook/dp/B0C7H9N1K3/