Teacher & Social Media Influencer Josie Elysia

YQG In Bloom by Tracy Martens

Episode notes

Josie is living her best life here in the Windsor, Ontario area. This girl is on the go. She teaches at our local college, plus she is an Influencer, UGC Creator, Model, Musician and I am sure so much more.

Listen in while we learn what it takes to get to the level she has reviewing products, doing beauty tutorials, and so much more.

You can find out more about Josie at:

Website: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFWHJh-wYs/7qCR-39Ay73tjwwRCPLQ8A/view?utm_content=DAFWHJh-wYs

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josie_ely/

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yqgontariowindsor ontarioontario podcastsocial media bloggerwindsor creativesocial media content creatorinfluencerteachersocial media marketingsocial media tips