Meet Canadian Filmmaker, Gavin Michael Booth
Gavin Michael Booth, Canadian filmmaker who writes, produces, directs, edits and will make the occasional foray into acting. Gavin started out directing music videos for the likes of Third Eye Blind and more. He also directed the Canadian horror film, "The Scarehouse" (NBC/Universal) and created the single take split-screen film Last Call. But now Gavin has a new venture that could make someone $100,000 richer. He is writing/directing a TV series, Reward. Season one is called “Dreamcrusher,” The seven-episode series was filmed in Los Angeles, Worcester, Mass. and Windsor, Ontario, Canada. To sign up to try and win some money watching Dreamcrusher go to: And to stream Dreamcrusher starting March 18th, 2025 go to: Follow Gavin on Instagram at: Or go to his for more information and links to Gavin’s work: Thanks for listening, please subscribe & be sure to follow YQG In Bloom Podcast on social media to keep updated with new episodes. Facebook: Instagram: #yqg #podcast #ontariopodcast #windsorontario #interview #canadianfilmmaker #filmmaker #gavinmichaelbooth #dreamcrusher #director #writer