The CHIT CHAT Podcast

by Marianna

Welcome to The CHIT CHAT. My name is Marianna and I love hearing people talk about their passions. Join me as I interview artist in many different aspects of the music industry!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • D3Global (Artist & Founder of Global Love) : The CHIT CHAT Podcast

    D3Global (Artist & Founder of Global Love) : The CHIT CHAT Podcast

    D3Global is a recording artist who also is the Founder of the Chicago bases non- profit organization, Global Love Organization. In my CHIT CHAT with him this week, we talk about his music and his upcoming album dropping February 24, while also getting into why he started Global Love Organization. Listen to D3Globals music (and our interview ;)) while you browse the Global Love Organization website to see ways you can help get involved in giving the youth a supportive space to expressive themselves. D3Global: Instagram & Tik Tok: D3Global Apple Music & Spotify: D3Global Global Love Organization: Instagram & Tik Tok: globalloveorg Link Tree: Ways to Listen to The CHIT CHAT Podcast: YouTube: @mariannacarr Apple Podcast:‎ Spotify: IHeart Radio: The CHIT CHAT Podcast Socials: YouTube: @mariannacarr Tik-Toc: the_chitchatpod Instagram: the_chitchatpod Inquiry: Email: Be Happy and Be Chill

  • NLB Duke (Rapper): The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    NLB Duke (Rapper): The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    This week on The CHIT CHAT Podcast I chit chatted with rapper, NLB Duke. We discuss his locs journey as well as how he used to write his songs with his friends when he was younger. He has come a long way from recording in a cold attic haha! Watch our interview and check out his music! Ways to Keep up with NLB Duke: Apple Music: NLB Duke Spotify: NLB Duke Instagram: nlb_duke Tik Toc: nlbdukeforreal Ways to Listen to The CHIT CHAT Podcast: YouTube: @mariannacarr Apple Podcast:‎ Spotify: IHeart Radio: Inquiry: Email: Be Happy and Be Chill

  • A.xios (Rapper): The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    A.xios (Rapper): The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    A.xios, a rapper, joins me on the CHIT CHAT Podcast this week. We get off topic a lot but I still learned a lot about his writing process and how he creates his music. Listen to him at the places below: Spotify: A.xios YouTube: Axios Instagram: x.divinityx Tik Toc: axios_divinity Add me on the Socials: YouTube: @mariannacarr Tik-Toc: the_chitchatpod Instagram: the_chitchatpod Ways to Listen to The CHIT CHAT Podcast: YouTube: @mariannacarr Apple Podcast:‎ Spotify: IHeart Radio: Inquiry: Email: Be Happy and Be Chill

  • D3wayne (Hip Hop Artist): The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    D3wayne (Hip Hop Artist): The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    This week I chatted with Tommie Hope, about a few of his many hobbies. I say I talked with Tommie Hope because once you see our interview you will know that he likes to make a clear separation from his acting persona, hip hop artist persona, and his normal self. We do talk about his creative process when it comes to D3wayne , which is his stage name for rapping and 50% of his singing, but we also talk about his view on life and how he does not regret any thing that has happened in his life so far because it has made him the man he is today. Listen to D3waynes music and follow his socials: Apple Music: D3wayne Spotify: D3wayne YouTube: Call Me Dewayne Instagram: d3wayne_Divinity Tik- Toc: tommiehope Ways to Listen to The CHIT CHAT Podcast: YouTube: @mariannacarr Apple Podcast:‎ Spotify: IHeart Radio: Website: Add me on the Socials: YouTube: @mariannacarr Tik-Toc: the_chitchatpod Instagram: the_chitchatpod Inquiry: Email: Be Happy and Be Chill

  • Eric James (Hip Hop Artist) - The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    Eric James (Hip Hop Artist) - The CHIT CHAT Podcast


    This week Hip Hop Artist, Eric James, and I chit chat about some of his life experiences that inspired him to write some of his music. We also talk about how he started a record label with some other Chicago artist and the reasoning behind that. Keep up with Eric and his music below: Apple Music: Eric James Spotify: Eric James Instagram: ericjames_divinity Tik- Toc: ericjames_divinity Ways to Listen to The CHIT CHAT Podcast: YouTube: Apple Podcast:‎ Spotify: IHeart Radio: Website: Add me on the Socials: YouTube: MariannaCarr Tik-Toc: the_chitchatpod Instagram: the_chitchatpod Inquiry: Email: Be Happy and Be Chill