Words of Wellness

by Dr. Joshua Wells

This is a safe place where we will talk about the issues that we deal with on a daily basis in regards to our mental health, faith, our marriages and relationships and so much more.

Our goal is to have voices of influence that challenge our norms, cultural beliefs, and religious norms that we base our lives on.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • And it's okay

    And it's okay

    Today we talk about health from a female perspective with guest Rene Sturgis. Join me with this fun conversation.

  • Faith and Medicine

    Faith and Medicine

    Today we look at faith, mental health and medicine and what's really going on. We spoke with Dr. Alesha Logan of Logos Health to receive a holistic approach to it all. Listen in! #yafavoritecounselor #letstalkaboutit https://www.logoshealth.org/ IG https://www.instagram.com/logos.health

  • Forgiveness is Necessary

    Forgiveness is Necessary

    Today we speak on the topic of forgiveness and the reasons why we don't forgive. There are many things that are connected to forgiveness that we need to be mindful of. Email - doctorwells@hopewells.life Phone - 839-235-0059

  • AMES- Together and Divided

    AMES- Together and Divided

    Today's episode centers upon being together with someone who doesn't believe like their spouse. Let's talk through some scenarios about what unequally yoked really means. f so you may need some counseling. Reach out and give me a call 839-235-0059 or email at doctorwells@hopewells.life

  • AMES - Being unloved

    AMES - Being unloved

    In this episode we talk about when you are not loved as a spouse and what that looks like. If this episode connects with you or you know of someone in this situation, and they may need another resource. Have them reach out to us. Phone- 839-235-0059 Email- doctorwells@hopewells.life