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  • wndring with Regev Gur: Connectin...

wndring with Regev Gur: Connecting Tech Brands and Creators

wndrcast by wndr

Episode notes

With the rise of social media and influencers, the marketing and advertising industry had to adjust. Now everyone can share their creative thoughts and ideas with the entire world and gain a loyal following. To leverage the situation and benefit from that, more companies start working with these creators and creating a new marketing strategy.

Regev Gur is the CEO of Narrative Group. He is an expert in identifying trends and talents in the social media creator's arenas and connecting them to their ideal partners in the tech industry. By creating this partnership, both sides can get what they want - the creators can make a living out of their content and the companies can reach their target audience using a familiar and trustworthy face.

How can a brand know if a cer ... 

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content creationentrepreneurshipcontent discoverycreator economyinfluencers