WFS Entrepreneurship Club | Anya Agarwal ’25 and Layla Baynes ’25

Quaker Matters by Wilmington Friends School

Episode notes

Inspired by their mothers’ entrepreneurial spirits, Anya Agarwal ’25 and Layla Baynes ’25 founded the Entrepreneurship Club at WFS during the 2023-24 school year. They created the club to provide a supportive environment where WFS students could develop and share their business ideas. Anya hoped club members would realize that “no idea is a bad idea if you are passionate about it.”

Throughout the school year, with the help of Upper School Math Teacher and Advisor Sarah Stock, the Entrepreneurship Club welcomed professors and employees from the University of Delaware who specialize in entrepreneurship. During these discussions, club members received valuable guidance for their ideas and learned the importance of stepping outside their comfort zones. The common sentiment echoed by each speaker was that if you never take a chance, you’ll never ... 

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