Mariana Jimenez Moreno - Connected living through travel, natural building, and community (WW 01)

Wilderness Within Podcast by Kai J. Lee

Episode notes

In our first full episode with a guest, I have a connective walk and talk with Mariana Jimenez Moreno, a dear friend, natural building teacher, and community living advocate in the tranquil forested art walk at Holistika in Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Mariana speaks into her unique dual-world upbringing in Mexico & the United States, snippets of travel and living experiences in Mexico, France, India, Dominica, and Nepal that have shaped her perspectives and ways of being. We dive into her early curiosities in school on ecologically-sound building methods, and being disappointed by professors and classes' lack of coverage beyond the conventional. Mariana and I also had a round of shares on some of the dilemmas of isolated modern day living and the contrast to the community living we experienced together through Conscious Impact in Nepal since ... 

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wildernesswithinpodbackstorymariana jimenez morenonatural buildingcommunity livingteachingconstructionnepalmexicoupbringingconscious impactpurposevaluestravelcommunity