Episode notes
Season 06 Episode 04: A bonza boom & crash: Decommissioning with dignity
Trajce and Sara compliment Alan’s dress sense - smooth, Italian, Mafioso, modelled after a Kappa soccer sports brand, while Sara reflects on her ‘rugby mum’ look for the day. Trajce teases Sara with her unlaced shoes in contemporary gangsta-fashion, primed for larceny. “It’s a sport and leather vibe,” says Trajce.
Trajce contemplates the need to evaluate a design journey, going beyond the pointy end of an event with direct causational pathways. “A designer is a parent of consequences,” he declares. The crew focus on examples of decommissioning in design phases. “Deconditioning with dignity,” Trajce phrases.
work designwork health safety lawhuman centered designgood work designhuman systems integrationdesignhuman factorsgood designdesign strategydesign led practicesystems designdesign in usework health safetyenvironmental designproduct designdecommissioning