Ep 103. Why Do We Cling To Stale Prophecies?

What The Prophets Say with Emma Stark by Charisma Podcast Network

Episode notes

Global prophecy, national prophecy, Church prophecy - God speaks over us all! But what happens when we cling to old prophetic words that have had its day? Emma Stark and Sam Robertson are back to chat about why we idolise prophetic words, and the need to stop holding onto old prophecies to make room for what God is saying today.

Learn to identify and kick out demonic influences affecting your life and reclaim your spiritual authority with Emma Stark’s powerful Demonbusting 2 ecourse. Visit https://www.enlivenmedia.org/demonbusting2 to become equipped to fight spiritual battles with confidence and Biblical wisdom. It’s time to step into spiritual authority!

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ChristianProphetChristianityprophecyprayscriptureHoly SpiritpropheticProphesyrevelationgifts of the spiritJesusEmma StarkChristian LeaderBible teaching