by Toby & Sussan

Hit subscribe and witness the power of What God Has Done. Join your beloved co-host duo Toby & Sussan as they dive deep into incredible miracles that showcase God's love and power. This isn't just entertainment; it's a spiritual journey.

Every episode is a testament to faith and a deeper connection. Let's spread God's word and make this the most blessed podcast on YouTube!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • WHAT GOD HAS DONE #EP 11 - From Heartbreak to Healing: The Jose Alvarez Story

    WHAT GOD HAS DONE #EP 11 - From Heartbreak to Healing: The Jose Alvarez Story

    Dive into the incredible journey of Jos Alvarez. Witness how a breakup sparked a deeper connection with Jesus, leading him to worship, leadership, and a miraculous knee-healing 📚Buy Our Journals ➡ sundaysermonjournal.com Watch This Next: https://youtu.be/JgMZIlZk1HA?si=r2eXR7z87CQV2zbq =========================== Subscribe and Listen to the WHAT GOD HAS DONE Podcast HERE:📱 =========================== ➡︎YT: https://t.ly/eozfG ➡︎Apple: https://t.ly/6qDSX ➡︎Spotify: https://t.ly/PZ9Iw =========================== Ways to Work with Us =========================== 1:1 Coaching - renewedlifecoach.com =========================== Connect with us! =========================== ========================== Question =========================== Has God healed you physically? let us know in the comments =========================== AFFILIATE LINKS =========================== 🎥 USE THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE REELS 🎥 and GET 10% OFF https://submagic.co?fpr=toby95 👈 =========================== HOW TO SUPPORT US =========================== STRIPE: 💸 https://buy.stripe.com/4gweXkdRl2yc4QE3cc PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G5BHLQ67RGD2S =========================== Disclaimer =========================== This video is not sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission. =========================== About: =========================== we dive into the extraordinary story of Jose Alvarez. In this captivating episode, discover how a painful breakup became the catalyst for Jose's profound spiritual journey with Jesus. From finding solace in worship to eventually leading a worship band, Jose shares the transformative power of faith over the years. Tune in to witness the divine intervention that not only led him to a youth conference but also brought about a miraculous healing to his knee. Get ready for a compelling narrative of resilience, faith, and the incredible things that happen when we surrender to the divine plan.

  • WHAT GOD HAS DONE EP#10 - A MAN OF TRUTH - The Jon Truth Interview

    WHAT GOD HAS DONE EP#10 - A MAN OF TRUTH - The Jon Truth Interview

    Join hosts Toby and Sussan in this eye-opening podcast episode as they sit down with the internet sensation, John Truth. Unveiling the man behind the controversial posts about God and the Flat Earth, John Truth shares his incredible testimony of transitioning from a globe skeptic to a devout Christian. Discover the journey that led him to challenge mainstream beliefs and the profound impact his newfound faith has had on his life. 🚨 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe 🚨 OUR GUEST - Jon Truth - Below are ways to support Jon 👉FOLLOW @JON.TRUTH 👉DOWNLOAD TRUEARTH BOOK - https://truearthbook.com 👉BUY Moo Moisture - https://moomoisture.com 📚 GET THE JOURNAL YOU TAKE TO CHURCH! - sundaysermonjournal.com 1:1 Coaching with Toby or Sussan - renewedlifecoach.com 👉 FOLLOW THE HOST INSTAGRAM @iamtobyzappia @sussan_zappia FACEBOOK Toby Zappia Sussan Zappia 🎥 USE THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE REELS 🎥 and GET 10% OFF https://submagic.co?fpr=toby95 👈 🙏 HOW TO SUPPORT 🙏 💸 https://buy.stripe.com/4gweXkdRl2yc4QE3cc https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G5BHLQ67RGD2S



    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "What God Has Done," where we explore the transformative power of faith. I'm your host, Toby Zappia, joined by my lovely wife, Susan Zappia. Today, we're thrilled to have a special guest on the show—Jeffrey Slayter, a globally recognized speaker, and bestselling author who has shared the stage with notable figures like Sir Richard Branson, Tim Ferriss, and Tony Robbins. He has impacted over a million lives in his 15-year career as a transformational leadership coach. In this episode, Jeff shares his incredible journey from the New Age space to a life-altering encounter with Jesus Christ. From psychedelic experiences in the jungles to countless retreats, Jeff reflects on the emptiness he felt and the surprising realization that only Christ could fill the void in his heart. 🚨 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe 🚨 Download Jeffrey Slayter's Book 👇 📖 https://daretobelievekingdom.org 📚 GET THE JOURNAL YOU TAKE TO CHURCH! - sundaysermonjournal.com 1:1 Coaching with Toby or Sussan - renewedlifecoach.com 👉 FOLLOW THE HOST INSTAGRAM @iamtobyzappia @sussan_zappia FACEBOOK Toby Zappia Sussan Zappia 🎥 USE THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE REELS 🎥 and GET 10% OFF https://submagic.co?fpr=toby95 👈 🙏 HOW TO SUPPORT 🙏 💸 https://buy.stripe.com/4gweXkdRl2yc4QE3cc https://paypal.me/WHATGODHASDONEPODCAS?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU

  • SARAH WANG EP #8 "Redeemed Journeys: From Rebellion to Restoration

    SARAH WANG EP #8 "Redeemed Journeys: From Rebellion to Restoration

    In this riveting narrative, meet Sarah Wang, a tenacious Bible college student at Planetshakers, hailing from China where the practice of Christianity is shrouded in secrecy and deemed illegal. Sarah's journey unfolds against the backdrop of a fractured relationship with her father and a rebellious attitude that accompanies her across continents to Australia. Struggling with the weight of bitterness and anger towards her dad, Sarah finds herself at Planetshakers, a dynamic Christian community known for its vibrant worship and emphasis on the presence of the Holy Spirit. It's here that her life takes an unexpected turn as she encounters the transformative power of God. In the midst of worship and spiritual fervor, Sarah hears the gentle whisper of God urging her to make a life-altering call – reach out to her estranged father and tell him she loves him. Wrestling with her emotions, Sarah takes a leap of faith and makes the call that will change the course of her story. As the tale unfolds, we discover the untold struggles of her father, battling a severe illness that had gone undisclosed. In a divine twist of fate, God not only orchestrates a miraculous healing for her father but also uses Sarah as an instrument of salvation. Through her unwavering love and newfound faith, she leads her father to Christ, marking a profound moment of redemption and reconciliation. 🚨 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe 🚨 👇 CONNECT WITH SARAH AND HER BUSINESS 👇 http://www.rejoys.com.au https://rejoyswellnesswithyou.usana.com/ux/dotcom/#!/en-AU/home 👉 FOLLOW THE HOST INSTAGRAM @iamtobyzappia @sussan_zappia FACEBOOK Toby Zappia Sussan Zappia 🎥 USE THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE REELS 🎥 and GET 10% OFF 👇 https://submagic.co?fpr=toby95 🙏 HOW TO SUPPORT 🙏 💸 https://buy.stripe.com/4gweXkdRl2yc4QE3cc https://paypal.me/WHATGODHASDONEPODCAS?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU

  • NATHAN & JEN FRIEND EP #7 Destined Harmony: A Journey of Love, Faith, and Divine Intervention

    NATHAN & JEN FRIEND EP #7 Destined Harmony: A Journey of Love, Faith, and Divine Intervention

    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE - THIS IS OUR FIRST ONE FOR THE 2024! Join us on this incredible journey as we dive deep into the inspiring and life-changing testimony of Jen and Nathan. From chance encounters at traffic lights to the unexpected twists in their professional and personal lives, their story is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and divine intervention. In this heartwarming conversation, Nathan shares his journey from pursuing a career in basketball to facing a career-threatening injury that ultimately led him to a higher calling. Jen opens up about her early struggles, finding solace in faith, and the miraculous moments that shaped their lives. 👉 FOLLOW THE HOST INSTAGRAM @iamtobyzappia @sussan_zappia WEBSITE: https://www.fcvillaniauthor.com/ FACEBOOK Toby Zappia Sussan Zappia 🎥USE THE PROGRAM I USE TO MAKE REELS and GET 10% OFF https://submagic.co?fpr=toby95 HOW TO SUPPORT 💸https://buy.stripe.com/4gweXkdRl2yc4QE3cc https://paypal.me/WHATGODHASDONEPODCAS?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU