The How: Government Partnerships in Rwanda

Conversations From The WASH Room / Charlemos de ASH by Water For People

Episode notes

Welcome to Water For People's technical podcast: Conversations From The WASH Room. In each episode of our first series, we’ll dig into The How of System Strengthening with experts in WASH systems change and sustainability.

Today, we will hear from Vice Mayor Prosper MULINDWA of Rulindo District in Rwanda’s Northern Province. He is joined by Perpetue KAMUYUMBU, Country Director of Water For People in Rwanda. Together they will be discussing the importance of Water For People’s partnerships with district governments.


Bienvenidos al podcast técnico de Water For People: Charlemos de ASH. En cada episodio de nuestra primera serie, profundizaremos en el Cómo del Fortalecimiento de Sistema con expertos en el cambio de sistema ASH y la sostenibilidad.

Hoy, escucharemos al vicealcalde Prosper MULINDWA del distrito de Ruli ... 

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