Watch4thehook Business & Entrepeneur Podcast Explicit

by Micheal & Tatiana Parker

We will give you an in-depth look at what really goes on for small business entrepreneurs. You all will get to peek behind the curtains of the business world with Micheal and Tatiana Parker, the CO-Owners of WATCH4THEHOOK apparel brand. We will give you an unfiltered perspective to what really goes on in their day to day lives as business entrepreneurs. Tha Hook is any unforeseen circumstance that is hindering you from achie ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • They Not Like Us in the Business World


    They Not Like Us in the Business World


    *****Please Tell 1 Friend About Our Podcast. We Really Appreciate Your Support***** There are lots of distractions going on in the world, but don't be distracted by how your business is going right now. We are now starting to clear up from the global pandemic known as Covid-19 and there were multiple billionaires made during that pandemic too. As many businesses folded, there were lots that flourished too. You maybe astounded that how the systems in place will benefit those who are granted access to those resources and tools. It sometimes feels like a never-ending process to how to make your business profitable and sustainable. Some access points and resources to capital could be denied to you because of the size of your business, your market reach, your profitability, etc. There three things that can happen to a business, it has survived, thrived, or died. Drop your ears in the earphones and tune into the latest episode right here... #businessloans #buisinessmindset #businessequity #businesspractice #revenue #revenustreams #accesstocapital #loans #capital #resources #capital #deniedcapital #businesstips #businesssavy

  • They Call it Organic Growth or Is it Really Social Media Bots


    They Call it Organic Growth or Is it Really Social Media Bots


    *****Please Tell Just 1 Friend About Our Podcast. We Really Appreciate the Support***** It is sometimes astounding when you see some of the number of "followers" some businesses and entities can have on social media nowadays. Hell, even some single person in the world can have 75 million followers, and you have to think that is a lot of people. Most of the time those examples just mentioned have marketing budgets and marketing teams behind them to help accomplish those goals. Everything is basically a popularity contest and how can you prove popularity on social media? Followers, subscribers, likes, and shares are what they use to give quantitative value to popularity and audience reach through their perspective platforms. The problem is that there are plenty of ways to "inflate" all these numbers on social media. Has anyone gotten this email or direct message? "I'll promote your podcast through social media pages like as ( Tw*******, Fa*******, Li******, or Go*****) and help you get more downloads and more subscribers in the iTu**** store. You will start to see results in your analytics. You will start to see results in your analytics almost instantly. From there your podcast/business will continue to grow and grow. I can do this for $500 USD monthly. Ready to start now?" This sounds too good to be true, but you sign up. For two months you see exponential growth and the first month after you have let it go, BAM back to reality. So, what did you really pay for? Tune in to this episode and see did you/them pay for the social media bots!!!! #algorithmbots #socialmediabots #socialmediamarketing #paidads #adsspin #followers #likes #subscribers #shares #repost #reshare #fakestats #views

  • We Call it Job Hopping They Call it Climbing the Corporate Ladder


    We Call it Job Hopping They Call it Climbing the Corporate Ladder


    *****Do us a favor and please tell 1 friend about our podcast. Thank you as always for your support. ***** If it doesn't make dollars, then it doesn't make cents. lol We all have bills to pay, money to be made, and goals to conquer in our lives. The one way those all happen is by earning the money you need as an employee or making the money you need as a business owner. I will us myself as an example and let everyone know, I am all about making as much money as I can to help provide for my family. So yes, I have not been at the same job for forever as some people may have thought. I average about 3 years with a company and thing I usually find greater pastures to explore. The old days of spending 20-30 years working for the same company are few and far between now. That is for a few reasons: corporate greed, the invention of the internet, and the change in the type of workers who are doing the jobs now. Loyalty has been replaced with hunger for adventure, thirst for more money, and the dissipation of not fearing the unknown. With African Americans still only being in corporate America about 60 years we have now gotten a better understanding about the "game" that is played around us. Why spend 10 years at a company with minimal increase in pay or status, when you can search for a better job (preferably while you have one). Once you find your better job, then you leave that old job behind you. It is ok to say I have worked for 3 different companies in the last 10 years. If you get questioned about it in an interview, your response is, " I found a better job or a better opportunity to support myself or my family". Don't feel bad either because other people call it climbing the corporate ladder but some of us may look at it a job hopping. Tune in to this episode to see if you are the one who is trying to climb the corporate ladder. #climbingthecorprateladder #jobhopping #jobhistory #workhistory #salary #wagescale #raises #401K #retirementfunds #corporatefilings #coporateamerica #jobsearching #jobtitles #qualifications #collegegraduate #collegedegrees

  • Entrepreneurs Need Ways to Destress from Being Business Owners


    Entrepreneurs Need Ways to Destress from Being Business Owners


    ***** Please Leave Us a 5* Review on Your Favorite Podcast Player Platform***** Business owners need to be able to find stress relief techniques to help with their mental stability. There is the notion that you are a business owner 24/7 and 365 days a year, and that is all find and dandy until it is not. Business owners are still one thing at their core and that thing is human. We try to push through all the ups and downs, but all those events can take a toll on you and your business. You will have to find ways to help you destress as a business owner and we are discussing some of those methods in this episode. One of the first things that come to mind is doing something with your family and those closest to them. Family time and fun family activities are great ways to take your mind off of things. The feelings of joy and happiness can be a monumental stress relief for business owner. We also discuss quite a few other ways to help entrepreneurs destress themselves and keep their sanity as being business owners. Business owners tap in and see if we can help you all out!!!! #businessowners #destressing #stressrelief #businessstress #overload #takeabreak #struggle #pressure #pressurepoints #familyfun #detach

  • You Deserve the Same Standard Business Practices as Everyone Else


    You Deserve the Same Standard Business Practices as Everyone Else


    *****Please Leave Us A 5* Review on Your Favorite Podcast Player***** Business owners have a due diligence to perform standard business practices. The practices can be defined as practices that must be followed while working for an organization. We are using this to piggyback off of our episode of Using Other People's Money. Financial institutions or financial lenders have a standard way of conducting business and small business owners are entitled to be treated fairly and properly throughout the process of looking into borrowing money. The business practices we refer to are the methods, procedures, rules, or tactics that a company follows in pursuit in its objectives to provide information of what their lending process or processes include. It is imperative that especially minority small business owners like us demand we get the same treatment as those larger companies get from lenders. There should not be in hidden agendas, hidden rules, or pitfalls not made away to the potential borrower from the beginning of the lending process. We have been encountering some issues with our loan officer from our financial lender and we have demanded that we get the same treatment as other real estate investment customers. Tune in to this episode to see how we are holding them accountable to the standards of business set forth by the business areas they deal with on a daily basis. #fianciallending #businessloans #standardbusinesspractices #smallbusinessloans #predatorylending #businessminset #businesssavy #businessplan #businesstips #understandingbusiness