Vision of Zion

by Craig Perry

Zion is both a state of being and a place. “This is Zion—the Pure in Heart.” Zion is also the New Jerusalem, and any place where the righteous gather. It is nothing less than heaven on earth. Zion will be created on earth before the second coming of Jesus Christ. This podcast explores the end times, and the events that are unfolding right now that are creating the conditions that are making ancient prophecies and covenants a ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Hopi Christmas in a Kiva. December 1, 2023

    Hopi Christmas in a Kiva. December 1, 2023

    On December 1, 2023, we joined a group of dedicated volunteers to visit Hopiland. Together, we brought wood for fuel, cottonwood for kachina doll making, call for ceremonies, food, and clothing. Orlan, who is a member of the Yellow Fox Clan, owns a kiva in the village of Moenkopi, which is next to Tuba City, AZ. Orlan invited us to enter his kiva where we could discuss spiritual matters. Eighty-three volunteers fitted into this humble structure. We were there for over 2 hours, and Orlan spoke to us and talked about the Hopi ways, how when, they get together for their ceremonies in the kivas, they pray for all humanity and for us to return to the peaceful simple ways of life and living. He said a prayer in the Hopi tongue for us and let one of our Christian brothers pray as well. Mike sweat, who runs the nonprofit organization, and it has helped to get volunteers to assist the Hopi, reminded us more than once how rare and blessed of an occasion this was to enter a kiva as an outsider. He was only aware of this happening with four other individuals on past occasions. This may have been the first time that a Christian prayer was ever offered in a kiva. In this video, we will chronicle our trip, some things that we learned, and some efforts being made to assist these people and to feel their love and humility. We sincerely hope this podcast will encourage people to get involved in helping them further their economic prosperity as they seek for replacement revenue from losing coal mining jobs and receipts for the sale of coal, which previously provided important financial stability to their communities.

  • National Day of Prayer: A Plea to Pray for Our Country

    National Day of Prayer: A Plea to Pray for Our Country

    Today, May 4, 2023, is the U.S.A.'s National Day of Prayer. As the Children of Israel prayed for relief from their enslavement in Egypt when Pharoahs came to power "who knew not Joseph," so we need to pray for our nation's escape from the false ideas and attacks on our freedoms. We ask that you join us in prayer for divine intervention in exposing the falsehoods that are hurting our nation and pray that the truth will be exposed. Angels are available to assist, but we have to ask for their help--or their power to assist cannot be loosed.

  • Upon My House Shall It Begin

    Upon My House Shall It Begin

    Welcome to an Extra episode, Episode 2. The first Extra was a four-minute introduction on why I felt these extras were needed. In this podcast we discuss how the cleansing, prior to the second coming, will begin. And it begins with cleansing the inner vessel.... Learn about the only two things that angels envy us for...

  • Extra, Extra! Hear All About It!

    Extra, Extra! Hear All About It!

    It is time to drill deep on certain topics about the last days in a perhaps narrower and more unique approach. These "extras" may be a little more than most listeners are interested in. The target group for these "extras" is members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To everyone else, feel free to come along for the ride! There are no secrets here; however, it may be too narrow for many of my listeners. Nevertheless, I'm going to pull out all stops and dive deep into the rich sources of information available to members of the Church about the Second Coming and about building up of Zion. It is a very rich honey pot of knowledge; for you skiers out there, this is a black diamond series, So, for those who do not mind jumping into the deep end of the pool, or taking a drink out of a fire hose, you are welcome to join! But, because this is an advanced graduate-level type of course, I will not be covering pre-requisites--meaning I won't be taking the time to explain all of the background information that would be helpful. You will need to return to the regular series of podcasts for that, As I go, be prepared to be overwhelmed--I know I often am! The advanced series will all be under "Season 2" for purposes of organization.

  • Season 1

  • Judgment & Hope for Zion: Isaiah 29 Explained

    Judgment & Hope for Zion: Isaiah 29 Explained

    Isaiah Chapter 29 addresses the city of Jerusalem on one level, and Zion on another level, which are metaphorically referred to as "Ariel." The chapter prophesies both judgment and hope for those who dwell in Zion (and anciently, Jerusalem). It begins with a warning of distress and siege for Ariel, indicating a period of suffering and hardship. The people are depicted as spiritually blind and deaf, unable to understand God's messages. However, the chapter also promises a dramatic turnaround. It foretells a time when the spiritually blind will suddenly see and the deaf will hear. This transformation is described as a sudden, miraculous event, akin to the deafening roar of many nations being turned into a dream-like whisper. This indicates a divine intervention that will change the course of events and bring about a profound spiritual awakening. The chapter concludes with a promise of redemption and enlightenment for the humble and contrite, suggesting a future restoration of Jerusalem and its people. To review show notes, visit