LOVB Omaha Beats Madison with Balance, San Diego Deals Indy Their First Loss of the PVF Season

Volley Talk with Sarah Pavan by Sarah Pavan

Episode notes

In this episode of Volley Talk, we take a close look at the LOVB Omaha vs LOVB Madison match, and discuss what happened in the Indy Ignite's first PVF loss of the season.

Sarah & Adam answer some listener questions, play a fun round of Level of Concern, and share what has been happening in NCAA men's volleyball this week!

If you have questions for us or topics you would like us to explore, drop us a line on Instagram or email us at info@sarahpavan.com!

Instagram: http://instagram.com/volleytalk_podcast

YouTube: http://youtube.com/@SarahPavanVolleyball

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