Recap Season 3

Vision Chat by Vision of Profound Healing

Episode notes

In this episode Virginia and Stine goes over all of the interviews they have done in season 3. This har been a season with mixed genera's of spiritual topics.

Our guest this season was:

Anja Ha Oterhals - how to heal from a disease, sound healing and her school

Melissa Kim Corter - Darkness and how darkness can be something positive and comfortable

J. Allan Cross - Witchcraft and haunted houses

Jill McClennen - Death doula and what they do

Sara Rathke - Mediumship and how to develop it

Jennifer Salzar - Herbal medicine and Curandera

Sanni Parkkinen - Saunas, Breathing and your relationship with breath

Thank you to all of our guest this season and also all of YOU wonderful listeners out there from all over the world. We are great full for all of you and a new season is right around the corne ... 

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spiritualityhealingselfhelpvisionofprofoundhealinghealermediumshiptarottherapysomaticspiritualgrowthjournaling Talking to spiritSpiritSpiritual comunityYogaSomatic healingmeditationbreathworkTravelingVision ChatChannelingHealing diseaseEnergy readingsound meditationalchemyghosthaunted scaryDarknessShadowselfshadowthe hat manwitchcraftDeath douladeathherbalcuranderismoholistic healinguniverseforestClairvoyantdark energydreamspaceHouseclearing