
Angry Rant Man's Brutal Bimble with Damian Hall

The Bailey And Harding Ultra Sound System by Allie Bailey and Anna Harding

Episode notes

Welcome to episode 58 - the first of our maternity leave episodes with super host Damian Hall.

This week Allie gets to know Damian and all his weird secrets. Who else mentions they "helped" with a double Paddy Buckley at the weekend without mentioning that by help they meant "ran most of a Paddy Buckley"? Overachieving nonsense as always from his end. We also discuss ideas for features (Allie's are better than Damo's), oily race companies and naughty hikes. Don't forget to send in your questions for Damo for next month's LOL fest!

Damo's big link fest:

Game Changer Sponsorship Pledge: https://www.badverts.org/gamechanger

Is event sponsorship by a car manufacturer ever okay?

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