
Stick It and Flick

The Bailey And Harding Ultra Sound System by Allie Bailey and Anna Harding

Episode notes

It's episode 36 of The Bailey And Harding Ultra Sound System pod and Anna and Allie are fresh off the back of the National Running Show 2024 and have a mini debrief from it. Allie would also like to hire a Social Secretary for the podcast to help arrange meet ups, please! There's a very rude interruption and string vest chat is back on the cards.

All the links:


BOOK: The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod

Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist

Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com

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runningultra runninghobbiesrunnerultratrail runningmarathonultra ultra marathon