
The Obfuscation of Ultra

The Bailey And Harding Ultra Sound System by Allie Bailey and Anna Harding

Episode notes
It's episode 19 of the Bailey and Harding Ultra Sound System and just a little warning here: things get RANTY. There's a lot that's going in the bin this week, including mandatory kit dodgers, single-use shoes (what?!) and private land. Not to mention Allie's disdain at the absolute obfuscation of ultra (if you're not sure what that means, you're not the only one!) PLUS, it transpires that there's a very famous listener to the pod...All the links: Instagram: www.instagram.com/ultrasoundsystempod Playlist: https://bit.ly/ultrasoundsystemplaylist Email us: ultrasoundsystempod@gmail.com  ...  Read more