Do you find politics too frustrating? Are you fed up with inept politicians? You're not alone!
The calm breeze caresses the pond. Slow ripples, like silent waves skate along the surface. Then a kid chucks a stone ‘plonk’ right into the middle and the pond sends angry flows to every side. The child stands over the pond in awe at the chaos. The flows gently becalm and the pond returns to its peaceful serenity. We are that pond. We are resilient to a fault. We have this confidence that everything will go back to what it was regardless of what happens. Yet we are not talking about these superficial occurrences anymore. Political movements like ripples come and go. A childish president dropping a stone or two here and there. Yet we return to normal thereafter. So it’s all ok, right? We can ride it out can’t we? I don’t think we can anymore. I think the problem is more significant. I think we have realised that the pond is not a natural body of water, but a skilfully designed bath that masks the falsity of its creation. It is the manipulation we have all lived under, grown with and tried to escape occasionally succeeding only in sliding back down the sheer wet sides. Yet that’s not the worst of it. The sinister creators of this fake pool have a plug at the bottom and a filter over that. When they pull the plug, most of this pond is going to disappear and only the ones with the right connections will be saved by the filter. Do not be fooled any longer. This pool will either be drained, or it will dry out, and we’re going to be screwed either way… TwoandaMic clocking out. #RiseUp I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at: Instagram: TwoandaMic Twitter: TwoandaMic1 Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you! Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you. PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!