Emily Robison Adams on Mark 9 and the journey of helping our unbelief (week of April 10, 2nd to listen to)

The Scriptures Are Real by Kerry Muhlestein

Episode notes

In this episode Kerry and Emily explore the story where a father tells Jesus he believes, but also asks for help with his unbelief. The discuss what it means to believe and how we all need to increase our faith, and the many ways it can look like when we are on a journey of increasing belief. They also talk about how when we are on that journey we often have to rethink how we conceive of our relationship with God. This is a discussion that is important for everyone, for if you are not on this journey right now, you will know someone who is. This discussion can be such a blessing for so many people.

Emily's book that is discussed is called Divine Quietness

We are grateful for our sponsor, Lisa Spice, and also for Alexia Muhlestein, who edited the episode, and for Rich Nicholls, who composed and plays the music for the podcast.
